Graduate School of Business


YSB Dean Kil-Soo Suh Tells Conference That Global Programs Can Survive Virus
Date: 2020-11-24  |  Read: 3,137

YSB Dean Kil-Soo Suh told the 2020 International Business School Shanghai Conference (IBSSC) in an online presentation that active adoption of online lectures can help soften the blow of the coronavirus on global partnerships and exchanges between business schools.


Presenting on the topic of "Business Schools Partnerships for a Turbulent World,” Dean Suh introduced and discussed the various global exchange and cooperative programs at YSB. “After the coronavirus outbreak, people talked about the contraction of global programs as face-to-face interactions became difficult,” he said, “but the active adoption of online lectures due to the outbreak represents new opportunities.”


One of them, he said, is the easier access to renowned professors and industry experts who might otherwise not have the time to travel for face-to-face lectures and presentations. Another is that Korean international students can come to the Yonsei campus as exchange students.


He emphasized that YSB will continue to seek ways to use online tools efficiently and to maximize the convenience of instruction while reducing costs without compromising the quality of a YSB education.

The conference on October 22 was organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.


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